Testimonials & Reviews




'Jacqueline was recommended to me by a mutual friend after my usual treatment for alopecia areata wasn't working anymore. From the very first appointment I had with Jacqueline she was extremely thorough and informative.
Whilst seeing Jacqueline, I firstly lost a significant amount of hair and I am glad that I trusted Jacqueline and followed her advice and guidance. I eventually got back to a point where the majority of my hair was beginning to grow back. Jacqueline paid so much attention and care to me whilst I was under her supervision. I can't thank her enough for all the time she spent and the confidence she gave back to me.
I would recommend Jacqueline to anyone suffering with alopecia areata as I know they would be in safe hands.
Thank you Jacqueline'
O B  - Leicestershire



'I would like to thank Jacqueline for the amazing treatment that i have received for my hair loss. Every appointment has been thorough, professional and informative. I felt comfortable relating my concerns to Jacqueline where they were listened to and treated accordingly. My hair loss has improved however the condition I have requires referral to a Dermatologist which Jacqueline has instigated by a letter to my GP, without which I would never have been referred.
I cannot recommend Jacqueline highly enough.'
J L  - Bedfordshire



'After a period of significant hair loss and stubborn psoriasis with amiantacea, Jacqueline helped me to get to a point where my scalp is clear and my hair is fully growing back. Jacqueline is knowledgeable, professional, caring and she takes a holistic approach to overall health which has inevitably helped my condition to improve. I really appreciated Jaqueline's honesty that she didn't have a quick fix solution, but that over time we'd find a way forward. Don't hesitate to book an appointment if you are experiencing hair or scalp problems. Not only is my scalp now clear and my hair growing back, but I now have the tools to manage the condition early on, should I have another flare up. Eight months ago I found it hard to believe that things would improve but Jacqueline gave me confidence each step of the way!'

N S - Leicestershire


 'Having suffered 2 forms of alopecia in the last 15 months Jacqueline, with her knowledge, advice and amazing attention to detail has guided me to a position where I am now experiencing full head regrowth. She is very professional, honest and reassuring. I would thoroughly recommend Jacqueline if you are experiencing any hair loss problems.'

C C - Northamptonshire



'I found Jacqueline of Martin Hair and Scalp Clinic online after a very distressing period of hair loss. Following an emotionally stressful few months and several bouts of illness, I experienced psoriasis and hair loss to the point that I really didn't recognise myself. My scalp was covered in psoriasis which was also uncomfortable. I had been given some steroid lotion from the doctor but it wasn't making a difference on its own, and I struggled to see how my scalp and hair could ever get back to normal. Unfortunately I had also developed amiantacea which I found particularly distressing and difficult to clear.


Jacqueline took an holistic approach, looking at blood test results, overall health and wellbeing, and contributing factors to what led my body to this point. I found this really helpful and it prompted me to start prioritising my health which inevitably helped my condition in the long run. Jacqueline was really honest that she didn't have a quick fix solution, but by improving my overall health, alongside treatment for my scalp, I'd see results over the coming months.


I'm pleased to say that after some scalp treatments and improved nutrition and vitamins, my psoriasis started to clear and eventually new hair started to grow. Jacqueline showed me which products to use, and how and when, to enable me to manage the condition on my own. As my hair now grows back, my scalp is completely clear, but I also know what steps to take early on if I experience another flare up.


I'm incredibly grateful for Jacqueline's expertise, supportive approach and professionalism. Thank you!'


N T - Leicestershire



'The Dermatologist was very impressed and thankful of your very thorough referral letter and said they agree with your diagnosis.


Thank you again for all your help and support it was invaluable in getting to this point.'

L C - Milton Keynes



'After 12 months I feel back to normal thanks to you. 


Your kindness and treatment whilst coping with my hair loss was professional but sympathetic and I cannot thank you enough.


Should I ever need treatment again (please not!) I will definitely be in touch.


Thank you.'

B T - Leicestershire





Just like to say thank you so much for the help, advice and the result we achieved after six months of treatment. It was amazing. I was desperate. At least now I can manage it and nip it in the bud before it becomes unmanageable again. The hair is certainly growing back.


If I need your help again I will be back on that phone. Thank you so much'.

N O - Leicestershire



'Hi Jacqueline


I have continued with your advice and I have seen a lot of progress. My roots feel much thicker and the breakage/loss when washing my hair is minimal. My hairdresser has noticed an improvement too.


I will continue with your advice. Can I just take this opportunity to thank you for saving my hair because I have no doubt, without your advice, it would have only gotten worse'
H E - Northampton



'I had noticed my hair shedding at what, to me, felt like an alarming rate over the previous year. I got to the stage where I was afraid to wash my hair due to the amount that was left in the plug hole each time. I was in a state of constant anxiety, which I’m sure didn’t help the problem. I’d tried numerous pills and shampoos, and treatments and blood tests results from my GP had come back normal. I found Jacqueline’s practice on line and am so glad that I made an appointment.

Jacqueline is both professional and reassuring and put me at ease from the start. She was very thorough at my initial appointment at assessing my diet, health, lifestyle and medication/ supplements I was taking, as well as how I was treating my hair. I can honestly say I stopped worrying for the first time in months after I left that appointment, as I knew I was in good hands and felt positive that I would get the best possible outcome if I followed her advice.  I don’t know which of us was more pleased after my appointment this week when we compared photos and could quite clearly see new hairs regrowing since my last visit..!

Pick up the phone….you won’t regret it.

Thank you Jacqueline'.
A P - Leicestershire



'When I was hospitalised with COVID pneumonia in January 2021 no one told me my hair would probably fall out a few months later!  I consulted Jacqueline who immediately advised the various tests necessary to pinpoint the vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as explaining how these effect hair growth and the devastating effects of Covid.  Now 5 months on my hair has started to massively improve and is growing back.

Jacqueline is very professional and knowledgable as well as sympathetic.  I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone seeking help with hair loss'.
M G - Northamptonshire



'Jacqueline is both professional and forensic in getting to the root of the problem.  I have benefitted immeasurably from her expansive knowledge and expertise during my consultations. I particularly value the holistic approach that Jacqueline applies to seeking the best solutions for her clients.

I would highly recommend her services to those in need'.

T L A - Surrey



'Thank you Jacqueline for all your support and understanding. I was struggling to get my GP to take my hair loss seriously and I had a feeling that the external appearance of my hair was an indication that something else may be triggering it.

After your detailed examinations, you wrote a letter to my GP and due to your letter my GP referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist is now arranging for me to have a biopsy. It feels like we are finally moving in the right direction thanks to you.

Many thanks also for the advice you have given to me about dietry supplements.'

P R - Leicestershire



I would highly recommend Jacqueline to anyone who has concerns about their hair. Jacqueline has helped me immensely. I felt at a loss as to what to do about my hair. I knew the hair loss was not normal and patches were beginning to appear. 


What a relief it was to talk to Jacqueline about my concerns and find out what the problem was. Jacqueline assured me there was something that could be done. She helped me greatly by giving me a diagnosis and plan of action. I am now in a position because of her expertise, help and kindness to be able to prevent any further hair loss

L B  - Northampton



'Dear Jacqueline,


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the care you have taken to diagnose this condition. Your considerate approach has been of great psychological uplift to me, and I shall always be grateful to you for insisting on the tests which proved so revealing.'

W A - Milton Keynes


'I will always be grateful for your care.'

J C - Cambridgeshire


'I wish to thank you very sincerely Jackie for all your wonderful help and expertise and kindness'

M T - Leicester


'Dear Jacqueline,


My hair has now grown back and I am happy with the result. I would like to thank you for all your help'.

C M  - Derby



My first appointment with Jacqueline was in June 2018 after suffering hair loss due to fast, extreme weight loss approx. 2 years previously, this was so bad that I felt I needed wear a wig when leaving the house.  During this time I had spent a small fortune on lotions, potions and pills that has promised everything and delivered very little.  During my first consultation these were reviewed and with the exception of 2 of the vitamins I was taking I was advised to stop using them.  In their place I was advised to use certain other vitamins and nutritional supplements and a specific shampoo all of which were a lot less costly than the others products I had been using.  After further advice I am delighted to say that my hair has never been better, in fact my partner says that it is thicker and in better condition than prior to the weight loss.

I am so grateful to Jacqueline for her advice and kind support and would highly recommend her to anyone suffering from hair loss 
A H  - Leicestershire



'Hi Jacqueline,


My hair has been growing back so well. Thank you so much for everything you did for me. You made me feel so much better and relaxed about my hair loss, something all other health professionals failed to do. If my hair does ever fall out again, I'll be right back! 


Thank you again'.

C D  - Northamptonshire




'My scalp and hair are better than they have been for years and I think it's the best they will ever be. Thank you for all your help'

 J M - Leicestershire



'When I began to notice what I felt to be a severe amount of hair loss at the age of 23 I was beside myself with worry and panic. I couldn’t even touch my hair without hair falling out on my lap. I also noticed a very flaky sore scalp which I felt like everybody could see as it looked very inflamed and white. I had multiple NHS  appointments regarding it yet no treatment seemed to be working. Booking a trichology appointment was my last resort and I didn’t think my hair would ever get any better. Jacqueline confirmed it was dermatitis of the scalp and reassuringly offered me treatment. She was very understanding and sensitive to my feelings although was honest and thorough with her consultation. I decided to go ahead and undertake the treatments she offered even though there was no promise my hair would grow back but perhaps my condition could be easier managed and further hair loss be prevented..


Around 6 months from my initial appointment I am over the moon to say new hair is growing back and my scalp looks normal with no flakes!! I understand my condition will always flare up, but if It is to shed again I will be reassured that it can be managed with treatment by Jacqueline. I really would advise anybody who is feeling upset/anxious about their hair/scalp to seek her advice. Her treatment has given me my confidence back. Thank you Jacqueline!'

A S - Northamptonshire




'After the menopause and with multiple health problems, and having had a period of stress and worry in my family life, it was easy to dismiss my increasing hair loss as being caused by one of the above. My GP who I respected, had no answers and was fairly dismissive. I was referred to a Dermatologist who told me that I had female pattern balding and to simply go to Boots and buy a treatment for male balding.


I was devastated at this diagnosis but confused and worried about what lay ahead. I really felt I needed a second opinion from a hair specialist and found Jacqueline's details online. After nervously making a phone call, I was instantly reassured by Jacqueline's calm, kind and knowledgeable manner and booked an initial appointment for the following week without hesitation.


I am so relieved to have found Jacqueline - her work is very thorough  and I am following all her recommendations, quite different to my previous experiences, and am now optimistic that my hair is being looked after, and I do feel in very safe hands. I had become very self-conscious and lacking in confidence due to the state of my hair, but I now feel so, so much more like my happy old-self!'

P S - Staffordshire



'I went to see Jacqueline regarding my hair loss/alopecia, which I had suffered from for about 5 years. I found her professional and easy to talk to.


I wish I had found her sooner because with her diagnosis letter my GP finally took action and sent me to see a Dermatologist. The biopsy result showed that I have a condition called Lupus, an auto immune system affecting my scalp, so now with treatment they hope to get it under control so that I won't lose all of my hair


I cannot thank Jacqueline enough and would recommend her expertise to anyone suffering from hair loss'.

S H - Buckinghamshire


'I was passed Jackie's details by hospital staff after a side affect of ongoing treatment stunted hair regrowth post chemotherapy.

Jackie provided advice and discussed treatment options that could help. Jackie was always honest about how effective treatment may have been so that before committing to the expense I was aware of the risks affecting

success.  Jackie was very understanding and this helped me in coming to terms with the affect something like this can have for a female.

With Jackie's treatment plan my hair has improved dramatically and this has given me back the self confidence that was lost before'
N B - Northamptonshire



'I am a very delighted client of Jacqueline Martin.  I have been receiving treatment from Jacqueline now for more than one year and she has made my scalp psoriasis problem so very much better. 

My scalp was in a terrible state when I arrived for my first appointment.  In no time at all she diagnosed my condition and the treatment was and is excellent!!!

She also supplies shampoos, conditioners and other products which help enormously.  What's not to love!!!  You can find her at The Abington Clinic, Northampton.

If you're looking for a first rate Trichologist, look no further'.

Thank you Jacqui!!

N J - Northamptonshire


'I first contacted Jacqueline in the Autumn of 2011, seeking advice on the condition of my hair, problems with my scalp and hair loss. I was immediately reassured and helped by her advice and treatment plan and I am delighted to say that over the course of a few months, the condition of my hair improved significantly.

I still see Jacqueline regularly, to ensure that the issues I had do not return.

Jacqueline offers a friendly, highly professional and confidential service and I would not hesitate to recommend her"
R R - Northamptonshire


'Dear Jacqueline,
Just to bring you up to date: I had my appointment with the dermatologist last Friday. 


He confirmed your diagnosis and has said, as you did, that there could be no reversal but he would try to slow down and possibly stop the advance of the alopecia.

Thank you for showing me the urgency of the situation, it might have saved a lot of my hair!!'

P B - Leicestershire


'Thanks for the consultation this morning. I feel more positive now that it appears I can do something about my hair loss'
L L - Leicestershire


'Hi Jacqui
Just wanted to tell you that I am happy with my hair now. Thanks for all you did for me, it helped a lot'.
A T - Leicestershire



'Hi Jacqueline
Just wanted to let you know that my shedding seems to have stopped completely, thank goodness!  Thanks so much again for your help and advice'.
M V - Northamptonshire


'Thank you for giving me back my hair confidence!'
D S - Northamptonshire



'Dear Jackie,
My biopsy results were as you diagnosed and as you spotted my complaint very early the future of my scalp hopefully is good.
I would recommend you to anyone and if I need help again I know exactly where to come.
Many many thanks, in fact I can't thank you enough'.
G B - Leicestershire


'Dear Jacqueline,
Just wanted to say a big thank you to you for helping me through the last few months. I really appreciate all the help and understanding through the time I felt quite difficult with my hair. I know if I have any problems in the future I

can call on you. Thank you.'
S H - Northamptonshire


With clinics in Northampton, Leicester and Milton Keynes we treat patients throughout Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and surrounding areas.